今日安装smartrf flash programmer失败得到如下一个错误,还以为是安装包问题,尝试了几个版本,不得其解,后通过查找错误码,发现原来是系统安装服务没有开启导致的,只需将其设为手动或者自动开启,然后启动服务即可。
HRESULT: 0x80070422


Windows Modules Installer service was not started / does not exist


Check Windows Modules Installer service:

  1. Click Start button and type "services.msc" without quotes and hit enter

  2. In the Services window locate Windows Modules Installer service.

  3. Click right mouse button on Windows Modules Installer service and click Properties.

  4. Check Service status string in window opened. It should be "Started".

    Startup type should be set to "Manual".
